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Fagetti Turns Marble Into Art With a Presentation on Their Latest Technology

Writer's picture: FagettiFagetti

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

PT Fajar Gelora Inti, better known by the name Fagetti, will launch the latest marble technology at IndoBuildTech 2019, an event that will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan on August 21-25, 2019. With its technology, the company prides itself on its ability to turn marble into art.

Some examples of marble work that Fagetti’s technology can create include modifying marble into a more translucent form, adjusting the color of marble according to aesthetic taste, creating a lined or wavy texture on plain marble, forming marble with 3D design and creating marble artwork.

“In essence, marble is already beautiful. Its patterns are beautiful in itself,” says Helen Gumanti, Fagetti Group’s CEO. “But, with its technology, Fagetti can give marble something more.”

The beautiful marble sculpted by Fagetti’s technology can be admired during the IndoBuildTech 2019 exhibition at JCC Senayan, starting August 21, 2019. With the theme “Determining the Latest Trends in Marble Architecture”, Fagetti will present various technological creations such as flower shaped marble works, bird paintings, twist columns, scaled marble and other artistic pieces.

Aside from these captivating works, another technology that Fagetti solely owns, unlike other companies in Indonesia, is one that changes the color of marble itself. One example Helen gives involves a navy blue marble that is rarely found in markets and thus, is extremely expensive, reaching up to 3,500 USD (equivalent to Rp. 49 million) per square meter.

With these elevated prices and limited stock, buyers often have difficulty obtaining this exclusive type of marble. However, Fagetti provides the technology for an aesthetic workaround. “With a more affordable price, our technology can change white marble to blue,” Helen asserted.

Another example of Fagetti’s stellar technology can be found in work done on materials that cannot be naturally translucent, unlike onyx stones. While true marble is a solid stone that cannot be translucent naturally, Fagetti’s technology can give marble this property, opening an avenue for beautiful possibilities when the material is exposed to a beam of light from behind.

Not only does the company transform stone, it owns a technology that allows marble to be cut into pieces as thin as 3 millimeters. After thinning, the marble becomes so light that it may be used as material for doors, drawers, ceilings and even elevator floors. To do this, the thinned marble is attached to honeycombfor durability and to facilitate its installation.

For the final touches of marble finishing, Fagetti also has a vast selection of customization options. Along with the most popular choice of polished marble, which turns its surface glossy, Fagetti also provides horned, doveand leatherfinishing, all of which form textures on a marble surface.

As a complement to the beauty of the architecture itself, Fagetti uses a machine from Italy to shape natural stone according to the details and wishes of architects, interior designers and product designers, each of them with entirely precise measurements. Before being sent to customers, the company will then test the strength and quality of the stone in its own laboratory.

Established in 1986, Fagetti is a manufacturer and supplier of premium grade natural stone and a company with marble as its main product. Which more than 900 unique types of natural stones, including marble, onyx, granite, travertine and limestone, among others, Fagetti now owns a 23-hectare showroom and factory in Cibitung, Bekasi.

With the company’s various advantages, it is easy to see why architects, interior designers and product designers make Fagetti the first choice for their projects. Fagetti meets the demand for natural stone in retail and corporate markets with a stock that is always available and ready to be sent, punctually. Its natural stone is widely used to beautify upper and middle class homes.

In the retail market, Fagetti’s natural stone is often chosen because of its unique and exclusive variety. In the corporate market, its natural stones have perfected the splendor of a great number of prestigious projects in Jakarta, including the InterContinental Hotel Pondok Indah, Astra Tower Penthouse, PIK Office, Park Hyatt – MNC Media Tower, District 8 Office & Residence, Arkadia Tower, Jakarta Box, Apartment Casa Grande, South Quarter, Pondok Indah Residence, Anandamaya Residence, Menara Kompas, Kota Kasablanka Mall, La Vie Condominium andInternational Financial Centre 2.

In Surabaya, Fagetti’s natural stone complements the beauty of the Pakuwon Indah Supermal building, Tunjungan Plaza, The Peak Residence and the One Icon Residence, while in Bali, there are the Movenpick Resort and Spa as well as the Sofitel Hotel. Additionally, the JHL Solitaire in Tangerang, the Masjid Suciati Saliman in Yogyakarta, Adimula Hotel in Medan, Sheraton Hotel and Radisson Hotel in Lampung and Radisson Hotel in Batam also display Fagetti’s exclusive natural stone.


PT Fajar Gelora Inti atau dikenal dengan nama Fagetti meluncurkan teknologi marmer terbaru di IndoBuildTech 2019 yang berlangsung di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan pada tanggal 21-25 Agustus 2019.Dengan teknologi yang dimiliki, Fagetti mampu mengubah tampilan marmer menjadi lebih artistik.

Beberapa kreasi marmer yang dapat dilakukan dengan teknologi Fagetti di antaranya adalah mengubah marmer menjadi tembus cahaya, menciptakan tekstur pada marmer polos menjadi garis-garis atau bergelombang, membentuk marmer dengan desain 3D serta menjadikan marmer sebagai artwork.

"Marmer pada dasarnya memang sudah cantik, polanya sudah indah. Tapi dengan teknologi yang dimiliki, Fagetti bisa memberikan sesuatu yang lebih pada marmer," ungkap Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fagetti Group,Helen Gumanti.

Keindahan marmer yang dibuat dengan teknologiyang dimiliki Fagetti dapat Anda saksikan selama pameran IndoBuildTech 2019 di JCC Senayan mulai tanggal 21-25 Agustus 2019. Dengan tema "Determining the Latest Trends in Marble Architecture", Fagetti menampilkan berbagai kreasi teknologi seperti marmer berbentuk bunga, lukisan burung, twist column, marmer bersisik dan lain-lain.

Salah satu teknologi baru yang dimiliki Fagetti adalah membuat marmer menjadi tembus cahaya. Helen mencontohkan, ada jenis batu alam yang bisa tembus cahaya, salah satunya onyx. Sedangkan marmer sejatinya adalah batu alam padat yang tidak bisa tembus cahaya. Tapi Fagetti bisa membuat marmer menjadi tembus cahaya sehingga tampilannya menjadi lebih cantik ketika terkena sorot cahaya lampu dari belakangnya.

Teknologi lain yang dimiliki Fagetti adalah kemampuan memotong marmer menjadi sangat tipis hingga 3 milimeter. Marmer yang ditipiskan kemudian ditempelkan pada honeycomb agar lebih kuat dan memudahkan instalasinya. Setelah ditipiskan marmer menjadi ringan sehingga bisa digunakan untuk material pintu, drawer, ceiling hingga lantai lift.

Untuk sentuhan akhir atau finishing, Fagetti memberikan beberapa pilihan di antaranya yang paling banyak disukai adalah polished yang membuat permukaan batu alam menjadi glossy, honed yang membuat permukaan batu alam menjadi doff dan leather yang membentuk tekstur pada permukaan sesuai dengan sifat batu alam.

Fagetti merupakan produsen dan supplier batu alam grade premium di Indonesia. Portofolio batu alam yang dimiliki di antaranya adalah marmer, onyx, granit, travertine dan limestone.

Perusahaan yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1986 ini memiliki lebih dari 900 jenis batu alam dengan segala keunikannya. Koleksi batu alam tersebut dapat Anda lihat di showroom dan pabrik Fagetti seluas 23 hektare yang berlokasi di Cibitung, Bekasi.

Fagetti menggunakan mesin dari Italia yang bisa membentuk batu alam dengan detail sesuai keinginan para arsitek, interior designer dan product designer dengan ukuran yang sangat presisi. Sebelum batu alam dikirimkan ke customer, perusahaan akan menguji kekuatan dan kualitas batu alam di laboratorium milik sendiri.

Dengan berbagai keunggulannya, tidak salah jika arsitek, interior designer dan product designer menjadikan Fagetti sebagai pilihan pertama untuk proyek yang tengah dirancang. Apalagi, Fagetti memiliki stok batu alam yang selalu tersedia dan siap dikirim tepat waktu.

Fagetti memenuhi permintaan batu alam untuk pasar ritel dan korporasi. Di pasar ritel, batu alam Fagetti banyak dipergunakan untuk memperindah rumah hunian kelas menengah ke atas. Fagetti dipilih karena memiliki beragam jenis batu alam yang unik dan eksklusif yang mampu memenuhi nilai-nilai estetika rumah tinggal.

Di pasar korporasi, batu alam Fagetti ikut menyempurnakan kemegahan sejumlah proyek prestisius di Jakarta di antaranya adalah InterContinental Hotel Pondok Indah, Penthouse Menara Astra, PIK Office, Park Hyatt – MNC Media Tower, District 8 Office & Residence, Arkadia Tower, Jakarta Box, Apartment Casa Grande, South Quarter, Pondok Indah Residence, Anandamaya Residence, Menara Kompas, Kota Kasablanka Mall, La Vie Condominium dan International Financial Centre 2.

Di Surabaya, batu alam Fagetti melengkapi keindahan bangunan Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Tunjungan Plaza, The Peak Residence dan One Icon Residence. Sedangkan di Bali, ada Movenpick Resort and Spa dan Sofitel Hotel. Lalu, ada JHL Solitaire di Tangerang, Masjid Suciati Saliman di Yogyakarta, Hotel Adimulya di Medan, Sheraton Hotel dan Radisson Hotel di Lampung serta Radisson Hotel di Batam yang juga memajang batu alam eksklusif dari Fagetti.



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