by Roland Adam
The Colours of Indonesia
Roland Adam’s experience working in retail and home accessories enticed him deeper into the world of interior design, deep enough to change the course of his career. He carved a niche for himself in the world of interior design by starting his own business, Goodlife Interior, leaving his artistic touch on different residential, commercial and hospitality projects. An alumnus of Sahid University in Jakarta and Hendon College in London, Roland is a multifaceted talent also known for his work as a wedding conceptor, event organiser and consultant in business development, visual merchandising, fashion, and magazine. He also has several solo exhibitions of black and white photography under his belt.
"This year my project is a two-bedroom apartment that I completed together with several of my ID12 peers. Our unit at Maison 12 Suite Apartment’s theme is inspired by Borneo," said Roland, who is designing a darker themed family room. This year, his work for The Colours of Indonesia is based on the concept of a journey to Borneo, in his own words – a work filled with “exotic details in deep tones, like midnight in Borneo.”
Inspired by Borneo